Larry Biehl gave an emotional video-address at Teenovator’s fifth edition

The fifth edition finale of Teenovator – a program for young entrepreneurs – was held on May 20 th at Sofia Tech Park. Tenth and twelfth-graders from 30 towns took part, grouped into 70 teams that
presented their startup projects before an expert jury comprised of venture capital fund representatives and business angels.Teenovator is an educational program supported by the Bulgarian Entrepreneurship Center foundation, which is held between October and May in Bulgarian high schools. Trainings are held once a week and are led by mentors who work with each student individually. The goal is developing entrepreneurial skills and better preparing young people for adult life.
Professor Martin Vechev, creator of INSAIT (Institute for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Technology), was a special guest, and Ms. Nancy Schiller, president of the America for Bulgaria foundation, also gave a speech.

American financier Larry Biehl gave an emotional video address in which he emphasized how im

portant it is to love oneself as this affects relationships with others. “You must realize that you will be remembered best, based on your behavior and not on your grades, résumé orpersonality!” he stated.

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