BEC’s news

The Bulgarian Entrepreneurship Center (BEC) – a public benefit foundation with projects in the fields of entrepreneurship, education, medicine and 
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Plug and Play is visiting Bulgaria to explore the ecosystem in the region. Company experts Ms. Olson-Urtecho and Mr. Soria 
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January 5 th , 2023 Rumen Iliev is a venture capital fund partner at LauncHub Ventures and he invests in 
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The famous Bulgarian country singer and journalist, Lilly Drumeva, is to continue her music line on the Bulgarian National Radio 
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The sixth edition of Sofia Singer Songwriter Fest, an international festival dedicated to acoustic music and poetry, ended in an 
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The international Sofia Singer Songwriter Fest’s sixth edition is underway and the dates are September 30th, October 1st and 2nd, 
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The year of Teenovator – the program which encourages a business mindset in the active young people between the age 
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The program was designed by Silicon Valley lecturers with the support of BEC (Bulgarian Entrepreneurship Center) During the past year 
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Meetings with leading historian, Prof. Bojidar Dimitrov, head of the national history museum took place in 2015. Exploration visits were 
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Qui nunc nobis videntur parum clari, sollemnes in futurum putamus parum claram legere.
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