We want to congratulate our partners from Arc Academy on a job well done. Here is what they shared

We had an open-door day at the Academy quite recently and everyone who was interested in video games and their path to completion could attend. Over 100 people took part in the event, part of whom came to Sofia Tech Park, while the others took part online. The open-door day consisted of a presentation and personal meetings which presented the Academy, programs, lecturers and students from up close. We invited the participants to come to the educational building of ARC Academy, where our students develop their creative potential and thinking. Of course, they had the opportunity to meet not only our team, but also some of the lecturers in the Game Dev Fundamentals and Game Dev Advanced programs.

Antoni Hristov and Milin Dzhalaliev told us of the potential in the game industry, as well as of the incredibly rapid pace at which it is developing in Bulgaria. They spoke about the success of Bulgarian game studios, not forgetting to talk about the different roles in creating video games and their contribution to the game industry. The participants could hear some of our students’ inspiring stories and their professional development as current video game developers.

Borislav Bogdanov, director of the Game Dev Fundamentals program and Art Director at Snapshot Games, told us about his path along developing video games and his experience, which he now imparts onto our students. He also told us about the main directions the program offers and the participants were able to see part of the inspiring ideas and creative projects by both students and teachers.

Simeon Balabanov spoke about his experience as product manager at Chaos Group. As director of the Game Dev Advanced program he informed the guests about the studies and projects our students work on during the academic year.

Of course, at the end of the presentation, the participants had the chance to meet us – the ARC’s team,  and to talk to us about anything they are interested in.

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