High school entrepreneurship in Bulgaria, supported by BEC

2018 was a good year for the development of entrepreneurship at a high school level. Our partners from the “Proznanie” foundation kicked off a new project named “Teenovator”. 

Teenovator are startup clubs for high school students, where they learn how to earn a living by doing what they love and acquire new skills needed for success in the job market of the 21st century. 

Teenovator is conducted in Bulgaria since October 2018 and is a part of the USchool international network, whose foundations are based on the Design Thinking concept of Stanford University.

Teenovator clubs are led by mentors, who are young entrepreneurs themselves.

They meet with the students once a week and help them on this journey. Dedicated mentorship and positive encouragement are the key components to our program. The goal of every startup club is to provide a sandbox where students can complete their very first entrepreneurial project – they are guided to start a profitable venture – and through that they gain invaluable experience.

Watch a short video about Teenovator on Bloomberg TV:



For more information please contact Veronica Racheva: vracheva@proznanie.bghttps://teenovator.bg/

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