Author: Plamen Sivov

Experts say the coronavirus pandemic is gradually passing. Despite that, we must continue to maintain personal hygiene and social distance, 
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„We had an open-door day at the Academy quite recently and everyone who was interested in video games and their 
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Educational program in Robotics, a “green” idea and an innovative product are the winners of the final competition of Teenovator 
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By Lilly Drumeva-O’Reilly The COVID-19 pandemic puts a lot of stress on our personal lives and business. This time, I 
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Living in a pandemic puts a lot of stress on our personal lives and business. This time I decided to 
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Interview by Lilly Drumeva-O’Reilly The world is in turmoil. We don’t know how long the danger of contracting COVID-19 will 
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Living in times of a pandemic puts a lot of stress on our personal lives and business. This time, I 
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The world is in turmoil. We don’t know how long the pandemic will last. We may have to live with 
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By Lilly Drumeva-O’Reilly We are going through difficult times. The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our lives and the economy. Isolation 
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The Bulgarian country singer found a new role during the quarantine, writing articles about COVID-19 for the new information website 
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