About BEC

In April 2017, a group of inspired entrepreneurs traveled to Sofia, Bulgaria, to announce the creation of the Bulgarian Entrepreneurship Center, BEC. BEC is a program of the InterCulture Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3) located in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. To this group, “entrepreneurship” is a verb, not a noun – not a “state of being” but a continuous “state of becoming”.

We want to promote entrepreneurship throughout all elements of society, but, especially, the business sector and those wishing to support artistic and cultural expression. Our hopes build on a dialogue between people introduced to one another through a series of meetings across Bulgaria. In so doing, we intend these first encounters to be the beginning of mutually beneficial conversations that will create a permanent “knowledge bridge” between Bulgaria and America.

BEC’s objective is to develop a permanent educational and mentorship connection that can ultimately lead to American investment and funding for Bulgarian inspired projects in both business and the arts, as well as projects that spring from a social consciousness.


“If your parents tell you that you can’t do something… stop listening to your parents and just show up!”

Bogomil Balkansky


“Follow your passion and you’ll expand your realization of what’s possible.”

Dafina Toncheva

Partner at USVP

“To create a ‘break-out’ business, an entrepreneur must know how to assemble a team and scale up.”

Norman Wynarsky

SIRI, pioneer in Artificial Intelligence

“Cultural competence and empathy enable entrepreneurs to understand, attract and serve their customers.”

Saafir Robb

InterCuluture Foundation

“Learn from your experiences, and remember you’ll likely learn more from failure than success.”

Vassil Tersiev

Telerik, Eleven

“Success is all about building an effective ecosystem, one which supports entrepreneurs by providing thenecessary resources”

Michael Marvin

MapInfo, NASA

“Without leadership and teamwork, you won’t be able to launch an entrepreneurial success”

Jamie Williams

American football star